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Welcome to "Warriors of the Lone Star," a blog dedicated to presenting both the history of Texas from the Spanish Colonial Period to the late 1900's and Texas Military History from the past to the present, with emphasis on the Civil War period.

My name is Donald Barnhart, Jr. and I'm a long-time student of the Civil War and have written a number of articles for Civil War publications and websites. I have a Bachelor's Degree in History from the University of Texas at Austin, a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, and a Master's Degree in Business from Midwestern State University. When I'm not occupied with tax accounting matters, I'm researching for future articles.

Originally from Wichita Falls, Texas, I currently reside in The Colony, a suburban community north of Dallas, with my wife (originally from Burkburnett, Texas), who works at The Colony Public Library. We are the proud parents of a son who is a pharmacist and a daughter who is an occupational therapist.

If you would like to contact me, please send an e-mail to: cwnut03@gmail.com

I'm a laid back kind of guy, so grab a cold one, open a laptop, and we'll chat.

Published Articles

1.  The Iron Turtle, Civil War Times Illustrated, June 2000.

2.  Junkyard Ironclad, Civil War Times Illustrated, May 2001.

3.  Admiral Porter’s Ironclad Hoax, America’s Civil War, September 2003. 

4.  Ironclad Aground! Civil War Times Illustrated, October 2004.

5.   Chief Opothleyahola, Wild West, June 2005.

6.   The Deadliest Shot, Civil War Times Illustrated, April 2006.

7.   Beauvoir Weathers The Storm,   Civil War Times Illustrated, Aug.  2007

8.   Students Redo Palmito Diorama, Civil War Times Illustrated, Aug. 2009.

9.   J.E.B Stuart Saber Goes to Texas, Civil War Times Illustrated, Aug. 2010.

10. The Jefferson Davis Catafalque Restored, Louisiana Cultural Vistas, Summer 2012 

11. Vicksburg:"Gibralter of the South", Battlefields &Beyond, Civil War Times Illustrated,
      June 2013.

12.  A Tragic Episode, Texas Highways, March 2013.

13. "They Fight Like Devils," North South Trader's Civil War, Vol. 38 No. 3, 2014.

14. Texas Two-Step at Palmito Ranch,  America's Civil War, May 2015.

15. Boys Lets Have Some Fun,Terry's Texas Rangers. America's Civil War, April 2016.

16. The Great Wagon Train Heist, America's Civil War, April 2017.

17. Frontier Royalty, America's Civil War, April 2018

18. Man In Black's Death At Pea Ridge Dooms Southern Prospects In The Trans-     Mississippi, America's Civil War, September 2019.

19. "Startling News From the Ocean": Rebel Pirates on the East Coast, Civil War Navy, Spring 2022